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CSI – Christian Stewarship Investigation

Over the first three weeks of June we will be exploring and investigating what Biblical Christian Stewardship truly is and means. “Oh boy! Here we go,” some might think and even say. “The church is trying to get more out of me, my money and my free time!” Sadly, too many equate “Christian Stewardship” with fund raising and giving, as well as the enlisting of volunteers to work around the church. While Christian Stewardship involves the giving of a proportion of one’s resources and time, it is inaccurate to think that that’s all it is. That’s like saying that building sandbag walls to protect a home from flooding water is simply about putting sand in a bag. It just doesn’t ‘hold water.’ This month we will be exploring what true and faithful stewardship is really all about.

We don’t use the word steward or stewardship much in our everyday life, so it’s no surprise that there may be some confusion. I can think of a couple of common references though. A cruise ship steward, or cabin steward, for example, is a key part of the housekeeping staff on board a cruise ship, responsible for servicing the rooms of passengers on board the cruise ship and making sure they were cleaned to a good standard. The role involves large amounts of customer service, and success is often measured through the feedback of guests, so making their stay enjoyable is the aim of the game. The steward, alongside a housekeeping role, would also be expected to help out in a capacity in the bar or restaurant of the ship, so they need to be versatile, friendly and willing to help out wherever they would be needed.

Another familiar use of the word refers to a shop steward or union steward. Shop stewards are elected representatives of union members in the workplace. The members of the union elect shop stewards according to the constitution of the union. These stewards are accountable to the members who elected them and they do not speak for themselves, but rather for the union they represent. Primarily they are to negotiate and oversee the approved contract between the company and the union.

What does all this have to do with Christian Stewardship? There are some similar characteristics. 1.) Christian Stewards are not the owners. They are the trusted managers of another’s resources, namely God’s. 2.) Christian Stewards are servants. They serve their Lord and Master, as they serve the needs of others. 3.) Christian Stewards, or Trustees, are held accountable for their management of the Master’s resources.

There are many aspects of true Biblical Christian Stewardship, more than can be addressed here or in three weeks this month. First and foremost though, Christian Stewardship is about being a Christian and growing in faith and discipleship. God’s stewards are GOD’S stewards! All we have, from faith to assets and talents, are gifts from God to be managed faithfully. It does not begin with our behavior. Certainly our behavior can and must be molded by whose we are and His will. Well, enough for now. To be continued in the first three weeks of June.

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger



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