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Time sure is ‘marching’ on! As we begin the third month of 2019, we move into the Lenten Season with Ash Wednesday on March 6th. Some years we might even celebrate Easter in March as we did in 2016, and will again in 2024. Certainly March is still considered to be a rather wintry month for us in Western New York, but the winter of 2018-2019 is almost behind us. Spring officially begins on the 20th, but mother nature doesn’t always follow the calendar. Interestingly, the month is so named after the Roman god of war, “Mars.” It marked the season of warfare when armies got marching, so to speak, and could resume fighting that was put on hold through the winter. Modern armies and warfare no longer need to take a winter hiatus from marching. Come to think of it, why do they still drill and march at all? Other than for parades it seems like it’s unnecessary and has little to do with fighting and warfare.

I ran across a somewhat recent study that explored this very question. Is there really any value today for armies to drill and march? The conclusions drawn suggested that it was still quite valid and useful, even beyond parades and military displays. First, it benefitted the soldiers as they marched in step with one another to function as a coordinated team. Secondly, there was greater confidence and strength in numbers, so to speak, as they marched together. Thirdly, there was a psychological lift in the camaraderie of the unit. Marching together seems to yield much more than walking to some destination in an organized and orderly fashion! (Air Force study, “Walk In Unison, 2014). As I considered this, it struck me that perhaps the church, likened to being army engaged in spiritual warfare, can learn from this.

In the old hymn, “Onward Christian Soldiers” the church is said to be “marching as to war!” The church of God is to move like a “mighty army.” Undoubtedly, like the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians, the church is in a spiritual war against the powerful and evil forces of this dark world. We need to put on the full armor of God and stand firm in the faith! (Ephesians 6:10-20). We need to march together as a coordinated and gifted team in step with our Lord. We must stand firm in the truth of the Word and the faith we have been called into with boldness and confidence as we contend together against sin and evil. And by the camaraderie of the Spirit of God, the saints who have gone before us and one another, we must hold up the banner of truth and march against the enemy.

This March as we march to the cross and the empty tomb on the Lenten road, let us move in step together as the army of God! Let us drill together in Bible study, worship, and participation of the Sacraments. Let us serve the Lord as we serve others – with one another. Let us celebrate that in the living Lord we too move from the winter of death into the spring of resurrection and new life! Let us be intentional, organized and mission-minded. Let us MARCH!

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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