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Quite a few years ago, I attended a Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) conference and was impressed by their theme: “The Figure Behind the Figures.” It beautifully describes their ministry. They are not all about figures, balance sheets and financial statements. Their mission was (is) about “The Figure,” Jesus and the Gospel. So I am borrowing their theme and using it in a different way to address some other kinds of figures – worship attendance numbers.

I am sure some of you made a formal or informal New Year’s resolution to attend church more often and regularly. Along with losing a few pounds and exercising more, it’s a pretty common resolution. It’s a very good one too! It is God pleasing and obedient to His will. The Third Commandment tells us: “Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.” We are to fear and love God by holding His Word sacred, gladly reading it, hearing it and learning it. This would include reading the Bible at home, attending some sort of Bible study and attending worship services. The figure behind all of this is God, of course. We honor, worship and obey Him when we gather together around His Holy Word.

Without diving into all kinds of figures and averages, our worship service and Bible Class attendance numbers are declining. Certainly the winter weather, colds and flu attacks, as well as sporting events have been a factor. But, the truth and reality is that attendance ‘figures’ are down somewhat. Saturday evening services are down about 30% from where they were for awhile. We see about 20 attendees. The Sunday 8am service is similar with about 20 people in attendance. The Sunday Praise Worship has been down a little and fluctuates in attendance from 110 to 160 or more. Three services for about 150 to 170 people doesn’t sound like “gladly hearing and learning God’s Word.” The Sunday and Mid-Week Bible classes have been down in numbers as well. We discontinued the Mid-Week Advent services and are considering the same for Lent this year. Last year we averaged about 17 people in our Mid-Week Lenten services. The question has also been discussed as to whether we really need three week-end services given the number who attend – or don’t attend.

So what’s the point? Call this a “wake-up call,” I suppose. It’s not about the declining figures so much as it is about the FIGURE behind the figures. Are we honoring God and His Word when we don’t attend worship and/or don’t attend a Bible Class? Are we building one another up as the “Body of Christ” (the church) when we refrain from gathering together? What does this really mean?

This past weekend we sang “Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs.” The lyrics invite us to join in praising God with “ten thousand thousand” angels around the throne of God. What a joyous thought to know that when we gather in worship or around God’s Holy Word, we do so with the heavenly host and the earthly faithful around the throne of the same Lord! Please pray about this concern. Let us gladly gather around the Word and Sacraments in worship and Bible study to honor our God and encourage one another as His church.

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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