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There are numerous references in the Bible where Jesus touched someone, or someone touched Him, and they were healed. The blind were able to see, the deaf hear, and demons cast out. Touching someone can encourage and comfort. I miss not being able to shake a hand or console someone through a connecting and caring touch, as we “distance” ourselves from one another because of the coronavirus.

Connecting with people and touching their lives with the love of Jesus is a vital part of our calling and mission as the church of Christ. It goes far beyond physical touching. As followers and disciples of Christ, we touch people by the power of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament, prayer and fellowship. That’s why we go to Haiti, we gather together for worship, and we want children to return to school. It’s not the same when we upload online services, “zoom” together for meetings, and broadcast over the FM radio band. We’ve done what we had to do in order to “stay in touch” with one another. But it’s not the same.

One ministry that has touched thousands of lives over the last 75 years has been Pioneer Camp and Retreat Center. Sadly, this ministry is drawing to a close in the next six weeks or so. Many of our Trinity members have been deeply touched by this “warm place in the Son”, including me. Along with the Lutheran schools I’ve attended, Camp has significantly impacted my life. Thanks be to God for this wonderful ministry! May the Lord open new doors and opportunities to “touch” lives in the years to come.

I hope you will join us on Sunday, August 23rd for one last worship service in the Chapel in the Woods and our congregational picnic following. Also, please pray that we are able to safely reopen the church and school this Fall.

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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