This month brings a number of graduation celebrations. But graduation is sometimes referred to by a different name: commencement. “Graduation” brings to mind an ending. “Commencement” is about beginning. High school graduates will soon commence the next phase of their life, whether that be college, work or the military. College graduates will enter the labor pool. Graduates from Trinity Christian school will go to a wide variety of high school experiences. Graduation is a time of anticipation of the future. We certainly congratulate our graduates for their accomplishments in the past, but we also pray for God’s blessings as they step into the future.
This month brings to a close a number of congregation events. Sunday school has concluded. Many Bible classes and small groups do not meet during the summer as many participants travel. Confirmation instruction has ended for the year and several students will conclude their confirmation instruction as they are confirmed on June 9th. Many of our ministries take a break during the summer.
However, we never “graduate” from discipleship. There is never a time when we, as God’s people, look back on our spiritual life and say, “I’ve been there; done that,” or “I’ve learned all I need to know about God or the stories shared in His Word,” or “I’ll take some time off and pick up my life as a child of God again in the fall.”
Summer months may bring a change of routine for you—summer vacation for kids, time away from home to the beach or the mountains or to visit family. Yet, do not let these summer months be an ending of healthy spiritual disciplines. Allow the change of routine to be a cause to commence gathering, growing and going in new and different ways.
While on vacation, seek out a place where you can worship. If you still want to stay connected to Trinity, follow along with our services on YouTube. Begin personal devotions or family devotions, spending part of each day reading God’s Word and praying. Seek out new opportunities to serve your neighbors and community to share God’s love in real and practical ways.
The Psalm-writer says to God, “My times are in your hand” (Psalm 31:15 ESV). May we use the time God has given us—this summer and all year long—to be the people He has called us to be.
God’s Blessings,
Pastor Nyck