It was the morning of July 4th, 1952 when Florence Chadwick slipped into the icy waters by Catalina Island and began her attempt to be the first woman to swim to the California coast. From time to time sharks moved toward her but were driven off by rifle shots. Then the fog set in, thick and dark. For 16 hours she swam. The trainer in a boat following her shouted words of encouragement. Florence had never quit, until then. Not knowing she was only a half mile from her goal, she asked to be pulled from the water.
While thawing out she said, “Look, I’m not excusing myself, but if I could have seen the land, I might have made it.” It was not the cold water or the fatigue of swimming for so many hours that defeated her; it was the fog. She couldn’t see her goal.
How are you doing in the midst of the “fog of life”? This kind of fog isn’t caused by a “weather” front but more so by “whether” or not… you have a job… your children are doing OK… you’re healthy… you have a place to stay… you have enough to eat… you can look toward a bright future… or you can’t or don’t . Sometimes your hope for today and your view for tomorrow is blocked by the “fog of just living”.
I want you to know that with Jesus in your life you will never go into that fog alone. With you comes the One who is your Hope for tomorrow and for eternal life. Jesus is the One whose presence in your heart takes away gloom and doubt with His joy and peace.
This Lenten season we once again see our Savior Jesus walk up and take that cross of suffering for you and for me. A friend of mine once told me that if the Roman soldier hadn’t nailed Jesus to the cross He would have done it Himself because His love for us is so great He would rather go through hell, by dying for us and our sins, than to be in heaven without us. That kind of love will get us through any kind of “fog” life throws at us and give us hope for today as well as help us keep our eye on the real goal, heaven.
Oh, two months later Florence tried again and this time, even with the same dense fog, she swam with faith and her goal clearly in mind, and she made it. She became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel and she beat the men’s record by two hours.
God is good, so keep your eye on the goal for yourself, and for Trinity.
Continued blessings to you and all those you love.
~ Pastor Ron