April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? – PILGRIMS !!! I know it’s an old joke but when I heard it the other day I just had to smile. At this time of year it seems like I see a lot more smiling going on. Maybe I...

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Don’t Give Up – Jesus Lives!

Wow! It seems like just a minute ago when we were wishing one another, ”Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”; now Holy Week and Easter are here. For some of us the “resolutions” we made for New Years are yet to be started and some things that we hoped to...

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Don’t Give Up!

It was the morning of July 4th, 1952 when Florence Chadwick slipped into the icy waters by Catalina Island and began her attempt to be the first woman to swim to the California coast. From time to time sharks moved toward her but were driven off by rifle shots. Then...

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Jesus Helps Us To See God

There’s a story about some older men who gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their college graduation. Naturally, all of them had changed in appearance over the years – they were grayer, heavier, balder, more wrinkled and so on. But instead of providing name tags, as some reunions do,...

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You know the holiday song well! “It’s the most wonderful time of the year… with holiday greetings and hearts all a glowing; kids jingle belling, friends come a calling and much mistletoeing … it’s the ha—happiest season of all! That was until the pandemic of COVID-19 and the shroud of...

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Do you remember the Game of Scruples? It came out 36 years ago, so many of you may never have heard of it. Basically, the game challenged the players to respond to a variety of challenging dilemmas which would reveal one’s scruples, ethics and morality. Real life, which is no...

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CHANGE – Christ Has A New Goal Envisioned

Mention the word “change,” and you get all kinds of responses from dread to fear and questions: “Why?” This month we celebrate one of the greatest changes in church history as well as the history of the world – The Protestant Reformation! As Lutherans we praise and thank God for...

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“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” Psalm 122:1 AMEN! HALLELUJAH! Trinity Lutheran Church is re-opening the church for worship services! Who would have thought this would have lasted almost half a year? Finally, back to normal! Normal? Not quite....

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There are numerous references in the Bible where Jesus touched someone, or someone touched Him, and they were healed. The blind were able to see, the deaf hear, and demons cast out. Touching someone can encourage and comfort. I miss not being able to shake a hand or console someone...

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