I Thank God For You!

In a number of Paul’s epistles he says that he gives thanks to God for the people of the church to whom he is writing. The specific reasons vary a little, but the core reason is the same. He is thankful to God for the faith that He has given...

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The Five-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reformation!

This year, especially this Fall, we are celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the nailing of Luther’s 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenburg, Germany. Many see this as the beginning of the Reformation that unfolded and evolved over the next several decades. The Reformation was not about a new...

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Deliver Us From Evil

Have you ever had “one of those days?” Everything seems to go bad . . . and then it gets worse! I had one of those evil days not too long ago that just seemed to draw the energy right out of me! I’m sure most of you can identify...

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From a Different Perspective . . .

As I write this “Pastor’s Article” for the newsletter, I am doing so from a different perspective than usual. I’m sitting at home with my left leg bandaged up from surgery three days ago, under the influence of pain medication (which makes me sleepy but doesn’t take too much of...

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Church ‘Member-Ship’

What is church membership? For that matter, what is the church? The church has been described in many different ways, varying in accuracy. The Apostle Paul speaks of the church as the “body of Christ.” The members of the church in this metaphor are the various parts of the body:...

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Stop Doubting, and Believe!

This past Sunday, a week after Easter, we returned to our annual visit with the “Doubting Thomas” and the other disciples in the Gospel Lesson for the day. You know it well, I’m sure. Thomas said that he would not believe that Jesus rose from the dead without visible proof...

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The Easter Butterfly

There are many symbols around the Easter celebration from Easter eggs and hot cross buns to Easter lilies and Spring flowers, and even the Easter bunny. Some are very helpful in the celebration of the new life in our risen Lord Jesus, while others may be a little confusing (like...

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The United State

As Jesus was literally making His way to the Mount of Olives where He would be betrayed and handed over to be crucified, He prayed for His disciples and for those who would believe through their message – US! He prayed that they (us) be one, just as the Father...

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Fake News

While not a brand new phenomena, “fake news” has sure been in the news a lot lately! “Fake news” is the deliberate reporting of news that is inaccurate or not true and intended to manipulate and mislead the readers. With the widespread usage of the internet and social media, fake...

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God’s Great Puzzle Picture

A puzzle enthusiast became frustrated when she discovered one of the corner pieces was missing. To top it off, the puzzle was brand new, and was a Christmas gift. Now, one piece of a puzzle is not all that important. Besides, the missing piece was in a corner and was...

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