Summer services: Our outdoor summer services are typically much more casual, with many members wearing shorts and a tee shirt for the service. Most people bring their own folding chair and kids often sit on a blanket, but we always have plenty of extra chairs if you don’t have one!
If you have a home church, we encourage you to give there, but if you feel moved to give during our service then you are welcome to do so.
“God has welcomed me into the body of Christ through Baptism, and I trust in Jesus Christ as my savior. I confess my sin and my need for God’s grace. I desire to live a new life in Christ who I believe is truly present in the Sacrament. In the bread I receive His body and in the wine I receive His blood. Present in this Sacrament are the gifts of forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation. Believing all this as an adult, I now declare my desire to come to the Lord’s Table.”
At certain services, we have communion at the altar rail. During this time, an usher will invite your pew up to the communion rail and once it is filled, everyone will kneel before the altar to receive the Lord’s supper.