Youth Ministry Page
Check the link for more details.
Sunday School
Sunday School typically runs from September through June. Check the calendar for more details.
Sunday School is dedicated to teaching children from 3 years old to grade 6 about the love of Jesus. This is accomplished through teaching Bible stories, singing songs, playing games, and other activities. There are opportunities for worshiping together as a whole group, as well as splitting into age groups for more in-depth Bible study. The goal is to foster each child’s relationship with Jesus Christ in a meaningful way during their formative years. Join them on Sunday mornings in the school gym during the school year!

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
The VBS summer vacation program is for children Pre-K through 6th grade. It is a FREE week long program that is all about sharing the love of Jesus with children. Bible lessons & related crafts are completed with the children in an age appropriate manner along with snack time and physical activity sessions.
Join VBS this summer for singing, crazy crafts, yummy snacks, and learning more about Jesus!
Confirmation Class
Confirmation begins with a short course (a couple of weeks) in Holy Communion, beginning in 6th grade. From there, with a combined class, 6th, 7th and 8th graders work through the school year studying Luther’s Small Catechism and Lutheran doctrine. Students are then confirmed following completion of the 3rd year. Classes currently meet on Sunday mornings in the school, typically during the school year from September through May.
Youth Group
The youth ministry helps bring Jesus onto a personal level with youth and teens. Our high school group gathers Sunday mornings in the church basement youth room, typically meeting during the school year from September through June. In addition to bible studies, they do a variety of recreational, mission and service based projects throughout the year. Even if you are not a teen, you can be involved by leading a study or planning an event.