September 2020 Newsletter
Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter. Newsletter Includes: Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.
Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter. Newsletter Includes: Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.
Members of Trinity, This past week two things have happened that I’d like to share with you. Two days ago a friend and member of my church in California had a heart attack and died. I was stunned and couldn’t believe it. He was not sick nor was he being...
“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” Psalm 122:1 AMEN! HALLELUJAH! Trinity Lutheran Church is re-opening the church for worship services! Who would have thought this would have lasted almost half a year? Finally, back to normal! Normal? Not quite....
Nutrisystem says: “You eat the food. You lose the weight.” But how long will it stay off? Tom Selleck says you can trust reverse mortgages. But you’d better read the fine print. Joe Biden says he’ll unite America. Many people wonder just how that promise will be kept. Donald Trump...
Trinity Members, Today is a big day! Today we are beginning to worship inside the church after almost five months! People can gather in the church for a Worship Service – Video Recording at 6:00pm. We are still offering the Drive-In services outside through the month of August and early...
Dear Friends and Members of Trinity, VIRTUAL? REALITY? We have certainly had our fill of virtual classes, meetings, worship, conferences etc. While I’m not excited about masks and social distancing, I much prefer “6′ apart” to a computer screen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not critical of the restrictions. I’m...
There are numerous references in the Bible where Jesus touched someone, or someone touched Him, and they were healed. The blind were able to see, the deaf hear, and demons cast out. Touching someone can encourage and comfort. I miss not being able to shake a hand or console someone...
Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter. Newsletter Includes: Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.
Fantastic and Loyal Trinity Members! 1. As we approach the close of our 2019-2020 fiscal year I am grateful to share with you that our financial status is great because of your “fantastic and loyal” stewardship! Our budgeted expectation of offerings from church members has been surpassed by a little...
WORDS OF WISDOM ABOUT LIFE: – Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. (Albert Einstein) – One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been. (Will Rogers) – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to...