July 2020 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.


Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 6/24/2020

Trinity Members and Friends, “WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN?”   Do you remember where that line came from?    [ I’m not going to tell you until next week!  Ha!]   These days, however, that could be any one of us!  Man or woman!  Personally, I don’t like it.  But I wear...

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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 6/17/2020

Trinity Members, Phase 3, and soon Phase 4 hopefully! Churches are slowly reopening but with many modifications and changes.  For the safety of our members and guests, Trinity has decided to continue with our online service and our Sunday morning ‘Drive-In’ worship service through the month of July.  We are...

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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 6/10/2020

Fellow ‘Trinitarians’, This past Sunday we celebrated Trinity Sunday.  Not only is the Holy Trinity the one true God as revealed in the Bible, but it is the name whereby our church is named!  So we truly are TRINITARIANS! I have been asked recently by several members of Trinity, with...

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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 6/4/2020

“ARE WE IN THE END TIMES?  IS THE END OF THE WORLD COMING SOON?” Many so-called Biblical scholars are warning people that what we are seeing now are signs that the ‘END’ is soon.  My response is that I hope they are right!!  If Jesus is coming soon and our...

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June 2020 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.



There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about “Reopening the Churches.” I’ve got news for all the politicians, reporters, commentators and talk show hosts (instigators) … THE CHURCH NEVER CLOSED!!! Most all church buildings have been closed, of course. But that doesn’t mean that churches have...

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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 5/27/2020

This Sunday is “The Day of Pentecost!”  Please join us for our Drive-In Pentecost Worship Service, Sunday morning at 9:30am.  Don’t forget to wear RED (no pajamas! Ha!).  All red vehicles will be parked in the front row – just kidding!!  Hope to see you at church this Sunday, in...

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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 5/20/2020

Members & Friends of Trinity Lutheran Church, BUFFALO REOPENING!!! Western New York is reopening under the Phase 1 guidelines as of 5/19/20 Phase 1: Construction; agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; retail (limited to curbside or in-store pickup and drop-off); manufacturing and wholesale trade Phase 2: Professional services, retail, administrative support,...

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