Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 4/8/2020

Obviously the greatest impact of COVID-19 on life in the world today is the death of thousands of people. Lots of medical researchers and hypothesizers are trying to figure out the best ways to flatten the curve, to save the lives of those infected, and to create a vaccine that...

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April 2020 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.


C O V E R E D – 0 3

“After three days I will rise again” (Matthew 27:63) Unprecedented! Life changing! Strange and surreal! Normalcy upended! These words are being used to describe the times and circumstances we are presently experiencing. People are seized in the grip of fear and hiding from the enemy, COVID-19, in their homes. All...

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A Blessed Lenten Season to all! That may sound a little strange, I suppose, almost like “Merry Christmas” at Christmas time. Lent is often considered to be a somber time of self-denial, contrition and confession. And, actually, it is! But it is also a time of forgiveness, prayer preparation and...

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March 2020 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates. Move cursor to the bottom of the page to navigate to other pages of the newsletter.


February 2020 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates. Move cursor to the bottom of the page to navigate to other pages of the newsletter.



Quite a few years ago, I attended a Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) conference and was impressed by their theme: “The Figure Behind the Figures.” It beautifully describes their ministry. They are not all about figures, balance sheets and financial statements. Their mission was (is) about “The Figure,” Jesus and...

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