Merry Christmas! Joyous New Year! And a blessed Epiphany! As the Advent season comes to the end, we joyfully celebrate the gift of the Christ child born in Bethlehem as foretold by the prophets of old. God’s Word of hope and redemption was fulfilled in the “Immanuel” (God with us),...

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January 2020 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.


December 2019 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.



How do you envision Christmas this year? A beautiful Christmas tree glowing with lights and ornaments? Colorfully wrapped Christmas presents stacked under the tree? The Advent wreathe, candles and Christmas tree glowing in the front of the church at Trinity? Singing the beloved Christmas carols by candlelight at the Christmas...

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“Christian Stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purpose.” [Definition of Christian Stewardship from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.] Last month I wrote to you about “Reformation Bridge-Building Vision.” This...

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November 2019 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.


October 2019 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.


Reformation Bridge Building

I doubt many (if any) of you have heard of the Choluteca Bridge in Honduras. I hadn’t heard of it until recently. It is a suspension bridge built in 1996. It is a state-of-the-art bridge engineered and built to withstand hurricane winds that plague the region. It was very well...

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The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

This morning I saw a familiar yellow school bus on the road and it reminded me that a brand new school year is just around the corner. It’s a familiar and routine time of the year, I suppose, when classes begin and school bells ring out – and the wheels...

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September 2019 Newsletter

Stay up to date with Trinity Church Tidings Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter Includes:  Letter from Pastor, School News / Updates, Birthday & Anniversary, Announcements, Events and Group Updates.
